Optima YellowTop 12V 75Ah AGM Battery in the Canary Islands
Optima YellowTop 12V 75Ah AGM Battery in the Canary Islands

Batería Optima YellowTop YTS-5.5 12V. 75Ah. AGM

Measurements: 325x165x238mm.

Volts: 12

Amps: 75

Starting power: 975A

Warranty: 24 months

Tax included


Optima YellowTop YTS-5.5 12V 75Ah AGM Battery Applications

The Optima YellowTop YTS-55 12V 75Ah 975A battery is manufactured using SpiralCell technology. What does this mean? Instead of using the traditional flat plates of conventional batteries, two lead plates wound together in a spiral are used. This technique allows the battery to offer maximum performance with minimum weight and size.

The Optima YellowTop range is ideal for 4x4 vehicles, cars with large audio systems, emergency lighting equipment and commercial applications. These deep cycle devices are designed to operate in extreme conditions. The Optima YellowTop YTS-55 12V 75Ah 975A battery offers continuous power throughout the discharge cycle. If you have a car with audio systems, navigation or other electronic accessories, the YellowTop series is the perfect choice for you.

If you need a battery to supply power to your car for long periods and you can't find a reliable battery for your off-road vehicle, at Bateriascanarias.es we have what you are looking for. Thanks to our experience, we guarantee that the Optima YellowTop YTS-55 12V 75Ah and 975A battery is one of the best on the market. In addition, on our website you will find competitive prices on our entire range of Optima products. Take advantage of the benefits offered by the American company and trust in the quality of the products we distribute in the Canary Islands!

Optima YellowTop YTS-5.5 12V 75Ah AGM Battery Structure

The Optima YellowTop YTS-55 12V 75Ah and 975A battery has the following characteristics:

  • Compact, robust and easy-to-assemble design
  • Shock and vibration resistance thanks to SpiralCell technology
  • AGM fiberglass separators that absorb the electrolyte, preventing spills
  • High-pressure compressed cells
  • Solid cap connections
  • Made of 99% pure lead

Optima Batteries is an American company with 40 years of history in the market for batteries for cars and other vehicles. It is considered a pioneer in the manufacture and distribution of high-performance AGM batteries. In addition, it revolutionized the sector with its innovative SpiralCell technology.

Sin Mantenimiento
Capacity (Ah)
Start (A)
Positivo Izquierda
Largo (mm)
Width (mm)
Alto (mm)
Weight (Kg)
Plate type
Type of application
DUAL (Arranque y Suministro)
Main application
Other apps
4x4- Tuning- Excavadoras, Maquinaria agrícola, Náutica, etc..
Warranty (months)
6 Meses (por defecto de fabricación)

The differentiation of Optima batteries from the competition begins from the design process thanks to SpiralCell technology . This procedure consists of, instead of the flat plates used in conventional accumulators , two closely wound plates in a spiral shape being placed inside the device . What advantages does SpiralCell technology have? The battery performs at its maximum potential with minimum weight and size.

At Bateriascanarias.es we recommend customers who need a stable and efficient energy charging source for their car, boat or other vehicle, to trust in the features offered by Optima. On our website you will find that accumulator that will be your best ally to perform like a charm on any terrain and in any situation that arises. Take your 4x4 on the mountain roads of Tenerife or Las Palmas de Gran Canaria without worries!

At Bateriascanarias.es we work with the RedTop, BlueTop and YellowTop ranges:

-          RedTop range: starter batteries with maximum power. This is how we could describe Optima's RedTop range. These 100% leak-free and maintenance-free accumulators are designed for tuned vehicles, agricultural vehicles, off-road vehicles and trucks. They stand out for their resistance to vibrations, shocks and collisions and because they are capable of withstanding the harshest conditions without interruptions.

-          BlueTop range: This range of starter batteries for marine applications is offered in two versions. The first is a powerful starting accumulator that provides maximum intensity even in conditions of extreme engine humidity. The second is a deep cycle device that provides power to all onboard equipment and accessories.

-          YellowTop range: the durability of the YellowTop range batteries is beyond doubt. These deep cycle batteries provide uninterrupted power throughout the discharge cycle even when exposed to extreme temperatures or high vibrations.